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About Mindset Transformation

Why Mindset transformation is needed? is the question everyone asks themselves or MPower, but unfortunately this question becomes important only when they are suggested for the same. Why don't we think about our Mind & Mindset regularly; like the way we think about Money & Career?

Two Ultrabasic necessities of a human

The first question that I ask to all my participants is "What are the basic necessities of a human being?"  & every time I get the same answers "Food, Clothes & Shelter" along with some funny answers nowadays internet, mobile, Facebook, WhatsApp, etc.


We never consider a healthy body & healthy mind as our first priority, this is how our generation is influenced. We never give a thought, How would we survive with "Food, Clothes & Shelter" without a healthy Body or a Mind?


We still take care of our body by doing daily cleanup, sanitization, exercise & medication when needed. Time to think- What we do regularly for our healthy mind? 


The Mind Sanitization Program

The whole world is going through a hard time currently, govt. is contributing as per their norms, individuals are taking care of physical hygiene, social groups are contributing to society by supplying food & medicine to the poor. MPower mindset is also a socially responsible organization and we would like to contribute through spreading awareness about most ignored but critically affected due to pandemic & that is MIND & Mind sanitization.


This program is specially designed for individuals as well as organizations & their staff working from home during the Corona Virus Pandemic. This program majorly focusing on keeping the staff mentally healthy, motivated & productive along with a change in the monotonous schedule.


"The greatest wealth is not in your bank account, but in your mindset. Invest in the way you think about money today, and watch it transform your life tomorrow."

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